Project name: Pilot project for augmenting the employment and developing the entrepreneurship capability of the youth from Tallinn and Harjumaa in the fields of creative industry by innovative and alternative measures

Project duration: May 2010 - April 2012
Project co-financer:
European Social Fund
Project support mediator:
Foundation for Lifelong Learning Development Innove
Project coordinator:
NPO Pro Civitas
Säästvad Ehituslahendused Ltd.

The project was focused on combining the opportunities of the new and developing field - creative industry - foremost with the measures directed to solving the employment problems of the youth.

The project helped to solve the following problems:
- rapid growth of unemployment of the youth and danger to fall into inactivity and therefore to social exclusion
- small use of the potential of alternative economic sectors like creative industry and economical fields connected to it for solving the problems of employment

The aims of the project were:

1. Bringing actively to the job market the unemployed and inactive youth from Tallinn and Harjumaa by offering them preparation in creative industry and economical fields connected to it, including:
- the curriculum and training materials worked out for the youth (foremost at the age of 16-24, but the curriculum and training materials can be easily adapted to elder target groups) in the fields of creative industry and other fields supporting it were piloted, supplemented according to the research and confirmed;
- the youth taking part of the project got the knowledge and skills and became competitive in the sectors of creative industry in the job market thanks to the training and practice.

2. The increase of the knowledge of public at large, including especially the youth about the opportunities of creative industry in the context of job market.

The results of the project:

1. A classroom for 20 persons has been adapted and equipped for the trainings about job market and creative industry.
2. About 100 members of the target group have taken part of the project and they have received:
- individual counselling ca 10-16 hours
- counselling in groups ca 6-10 hours
- trainings on average 200 hours per person, including: trainings that develop general coping skills (20 hours), trainings about the respective field of creative industry (60-80 hours), entrepreneurship training (60-80 hours), project leading training (40 hours)
- 75 members of the target group have completed working practice of 1-2 months in an organisation active in a respective field of creative industry
- 20 members of the target group have been directed to the regional department of Töötukassa to apply for the support of starting an enterprise with the business plan compiled during the project
3. A supplemented curriculum about creative industry directed for the youth has been compiled and presented for confirming for the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.

Säästvad Ehituslahendused Ltd. role in the project:

We had 4 young persons in working practice in our company in autumn 2010, they got experiences in the filed of finishing with natural materials. By the instructions of our craftsmen they made lime and clay plastering, tadelakt technique, painting with natural paints, dismantled old material from the houses going to be pulled down. They took part of a 10-days training cycle "Sustainable renovating of a valuable house" organised by us in Pelgulinn.