The house was planned in 1931 by a famous architect Karl Tarvas. It is a Tallinn type house that was built by grandfather of the current owner. The owners wish was to renovate the house by using the materials and finishing solutions that were used at the building time of the house.
We covered the external walls with the 5 cm reed board and the inner walls and ceilings with the reed mat. We plastered all the surfaces with lime plaster that will regulate the humidity and the temperature in the rooms. We renovated the vaulted ceilings and painted the ceilings and walls with casein paint. For getting different colours we used natural pigments.
We renovated the staircase as originally as possible. A previous thorough research was helping us as there was found a decorative painting from the lower part of the wall. We repaired the lime plaster where needed and painted the walls - the upper part with the chalk paint and the lower part in a special azure technique. Between the two parts of the wall we made the original painting. We also renovated the stair handrail.
Comments from the main contractor: It was clear from the beginning that Säästvad Ehituslahendused know what they do. They had a clear vision about the work. They had a great adaptation ability. There were many different companies working on the object that caused some pauses betwwen different work stages, but the men from Säästvad Ehituslahendused were always back at time after the pause and all the works were finished properly. Their ability to match the colours of the casein paints with the colours of the already painted walls was fascinating. The cooperation with the company was great and we are thankful for their professional advice.
Look at the photos in GALLERY!