The door had not been maintained for years, so the old paint was peeling and several details were broken. But the wood was in a very good condition. We removed the old paint with a hot-air gun and then we repaired some wood. The most damaged were the edges of the door, one decoration of diamond shape was broken and some linings were missing.
After repairing the wood we made the sanding and primed the door with white lineseed oil paint. After the priming we made repairings with putty. The biggest job was painting. There was made a painting scheme for the door according to which we used three different colours for the door and fourth colour for the windows.
The last job was restoring and putting on the fittings. We used partly the original hinges, but we replaced several ones with copies. We put on new patinated handles and lock backgrounds in historicist style.
All the jobs related to the threshold, frames and the window above the door we made on the site few months earlier. Several trainees got the opportunity to work on the door and on the site. The result is a beautiful front door and windows restored with care of many people.
Look at the photos in GALLERY!